Where is New York City located?

Information about New York City's location

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Are you curious about the location of New York City? If you want to visit New York in 5 days or more, it is best to know where you are going and what to visit before you leave. In these few lines, you can find out more about exactly where New York City is, its location in the United States and some of its geographical features.

Where is New York City in the United States?

new york aerial

New York City is a city on the east coast of the United States. It lies on the Atlantic Ocean, at the mouth of the Hudson River. New York is located halfway (about 350 kilometres) from Boston and the capital of the United States, Washington. The nearest major city is Philadelphia, which is about 165 km away.

map of new york city

New York City is divided into several boroughs:

  • Manhattan (New York County), in the heart of the city, on the island of the same name;
  • Brooklyn (Kings County), south of Manhattan on Long Island;
  • Queens (Queens County), east of Manhattan on Long Island;
  • Staten Island (Richmond County), on an island in the southwestern part of the city;
  • Bronx (Bronx County), on the mainland north of Manhattan Island.

In addition to these different boroughs, the city also includes several other small and large islands such as Liberty Island (where the Statue of Liberty is located), Roosevelt Island, Governor Island and Ellis Island, the famous island where immigrants from Europe and the rest of the world arrived.

In total, New York City covers an area of 1,214 square kilometres, of which less than two-thirds is land. It is partly for this reason that New York is one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

New York being a very large city, it is best to be careful when looking for a place to stay in New York. To do that, look up where the activities you want to do are located – otherwise you could easily end up in a neighbourhood that is far from your activities. This would add a lot of travel time in your day, which would end up being both time-consuming and expensive 🙁

In which state is New York City located?

new york central park

The city of New York is located in the state of the same name: the State of New York. The state is home to approximately 20 million people and is the fourth most populous state in the United States after California, Florida and Texas.

To avoid confusion, New Yorkers and Americans in general refer to the city as "New York City" and to the state as "New York". The nickname "Big Apple" refers to the city, while the state is known as the "Empire State".

New York State is located in the northeast of the country. It is bordered by Canada to the north and northeast (Ontario and Quebec), by Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut to the east, and by Pennsylvania and New Jersey to the south and southeast.

New York City is the only place in the state that borders directly on the Atlantic Ocean. Although New York City is by far the most populous city in New York State (and in the country for that matter), it is not the capital. The capital of New York State is Albany, a city with a population of less than 100,000 and located over 200 km from New York City.

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